- Do research for project
- Brainstorm for photographic shoot ideas
- Look up other photographers for inspiration and for blog
- Look at other media sources, such as television, adverts, films etcetera for ideas for photographic shoots.
Week 13:
- Plan which photographic shoots you are going to do and what resources you may need
- Collect magazine cuttings for future photographic shoots
Week 14:
- Research theorists to help develop your idea
- Research adverts and the way they portray women for project ideas
- Edit background from photographic shoot 7 to convey my idea and argument clearer.
Week 15:
- See whether you want to expand your idea to beauty in different cultures. This is just an idea but see whether you can link this to your project
- Read books discussed in ‘Research’ section
Week 16:
- Photographic Shoot
- Editing
- Upload images to blog and other material to show development of idea.
Week 17:
- I would like to focus on my Dissertation for Media this week
Week 18:
- Photographic Shoot. Maybe do some studio shooting as I have not done any yet.
- Editing
- Upload images to blog and other resources
Week 19:
- Experiment with movement of image before next photographic shoot.
- Do some experimental test shoots so it is easier on day of photographic shoot.
Week 20:
- Photographic Shoot with movement of people
Week 21:
- Editing
- Upload images to blog
- Plan what you will need for the photography exhibition
Week 22:
- Next week is the last hand in for one of our chapters of Media Dissertation to be looked at for feedback
- As busy will just do some blog work
- If you need anything special for the exhibition e.g. projection, let the right person know, so that this is approved.
Week 23:
- Next week I have a 4,000 word Drama essay to hand in so I will focus on that.
- Check Final images are completed
Week 24:
- Focus on Drama Essay as hand in this week
- Continue checking final images are completed
6th -29th April – Easter Holiday
- I am away on a sports tour from the 9th-14th April
- I will look over my blog checking it is coherent and complete.
- Write Conclusion and Summary of work that I have produced over the term
- Take more photographs if emergency, but would like to have all these done before Easter.
Drama Exam between 30th April and 25th May
Dissertation Hand in 2nd May
Independent Production 3rd May - I am going to have to try and spread all my work out evenly because I have so much work handed in for the same week. I would like all my photographs for Independent Production to be ready before the Easter holiday or earlier.