Monday 5 December 2011

Photographic Shoot 7

For this photographic shoot I wanted to show how society’s constructions of ‘beauty’ through the media may make women feel the need to change their appearances, potentially losing their identity or blurring it.  The bricks in the background are to symbolise how society’s structure can be seen as solid and powerful, and how it may be hard for women to step out of these images produce, for example through the media portraying what defines ‘beauty’.  This idea came from B. Gunter’s reading because he argues that beauty is defined by what is constructed in one’s society socially and culturally, for example what is beautiful and what is not.  The lines of the bricks symbolise how people may feel constricted by the pressure of the media on their personal identity.  The bricks show a strong structure and the women fading into the background with their faces being blurred symbolise how one may fell that they blend into society.  This is because they feel the need to ‘conform’ to what they see in popular media cultures, for example changing their appearances.  
I experimented in Photoshop, trying out different ideas to produce my final product.  I experimented with different coloured brick walls to see which one looked better.  I also tried out blurring one girls face or all three of them, as I was unsure which photograph portrays my idea more clearly.

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