Thursday 8 December 2011

Similar Work

Other examples that I have looked at are other artist’s photography and images that focus on identity or that I found I could relate to my project.  At the beginning of my blog it is interesting that all the images of the women’s faces are obscured, blurred, concealed or covered up.  This is important to my project because I have been researching how the pressure of the media may cause a women feel the need to change, thefore changing their identity.  In these photographs the women’s identity is lost or unclear.  I have also looked at images throughout my blog that do not depict women’s beauty in a conventional way.  For example Cindy Sherman’s photography focuses on stereotyping of women in films, television and magazines.  The photograph ‘Untitled (Cover Girl)’ has a strong impact on me as a spectator because it can be said that it shows an unconventional ‘cover girl’ cover, that one would not necessarily see these days on the front of magazines.  Her photograph steps out of the stereotypical stereotypes of women and makes a strong statement.

Jeffery Wang’s photography stood out to me during my project because he focuses his images on identity.  I found that his photographs related to my project because the woman is being altered and adjusted by an invisible but present figure in the background.  This made me think of the figure in the background as a symbolic imagery of the media, with the women being changed by it.  For example some women may be influenced by the media and feel the need to change their appearance.
Barbara Kruger photography has a strong impact on me and my project because on the photograph it says, ‘Your body is a battleground.’  I found this related to my project because women’s appearances can be seen as a ‘battleground’ with the media.  For example the media is portraying an almost ‘perfect’ woman which is unrealistic for others to achieve, thefore women may be fighting with their image and appearance.
All the images really helped to develop my project and they helped back up my argument.  For example the magazines covers on my blog depict a stereotypical ‘beautiful’ woman on the front of them.  One can argue that this can draw the audiences into the magazine searching for beauty products and tips to enhance and improve their appearance.

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