Thursday 8 December 2011


Throughout this term I am going to investigate women’s representation in the media and how this may have an impact on them and their identity.  For example one may feel influenced by the media by what they see and read, thefore feeling the need to change their appearance to fit into what is seen as ‘stereotypically’ beautiful.  Media sources that potentially portray what constitutes as a ‘beautiful’ woman is shown through, television, film, photography, websites, magazines and adverts which I will look at. I would like to focus on women’s appearances, for example facial features. I will also look at women’s body image and how woman may feel self-conscious and flawed about their appearance because of what they see in the media.
I will explore how women may not feel comfortable in their own skin because of this constant portrayal of ‘beautiful women’ in the media.  Thefore this could leave women wanting to change their image to feel more confident, for example through extremes such as plastic surgery.  It can be said that a women’s identity could become blurred or lost because they are ‘conforming’ to what she sees in the media. I believe that the mass-media shows a 'stereotypical' image of women and one may feel the need to change their appearance to fit in to feel more accepted or secure about their appearance.

 For my final piece of work this term I am going to relate my images around how women feel pressurized by the images they see of other women in the media.  One can argue that women’s depiction of beauty or how to achieve it is a strong influence in media sources.  For example magazines show ‘beautiful’ women on the front covers to attract their audiences, promising to help them find beauty through information and tips advertised to achieve this.

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