Thursday 8 December 2011

The Pilot

My pilot expresses’ my aims and intentions of my project which was done through research as it helped back up my argument on how the media can potentially influence some women to feel the need to change their appearance.  This is because of all the ‘beautiful’ women which are shown in the media.  When starting my project I thought there would definitely be sources out there to back up my argument but I did not realise just how similar they were to my argument.  For example how magazines depict ‘perfect’ women, ‘Magazines portray women being PERFCT and the reality is most women look nothing like the cover girls and the advice that’s given in the magazines encouraging but not all woman can get as far as looking perfect’ (Anon, 2009).  Therefore this could leave women feeling self-conscious about their appearance.  I learnt that this is more of an evident problem than I had first initially thought and that many women feel the same or have similar experiences.  This I will show through my report of the interviews and questionnaires that I will undergo next term.  

My pilot helped develop my ideas for the project and through research of theorist’s, photographers, magazines, adverts, television programmes, making my argument stronger and clearer as I went along.  My pilot gave me inspiration for my photographic shoots and for future photographs that I will take next term.  I learnt that the impact of mass-media can have significant affects on women and can lead to drastic measures such as plastic surgery.  Interesting material I found during my pilot was about how adolescence (children) can also be affected by the media at such a young age.  It was made clear that even young children think about their appearance and can be left feeling self-conscious leading to eating disorders in some cases.

Anon. (2009) Women and The Fashion Magazine [online]. Available from: [Accessed 10 November 2011]

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