Thursday 8 December 2011

Production Planning

Next term I am going to do some studio work, as I have not done any this term.  Before I go into the studio I am going to look at all my notes from this term to make sure that I know exactly what I am doing.  Over the Christmas Holidays and at the beginning of next term I am going to collect as many magazines as possible for my photographic shoots, and cut out the images I would like to use for them.  At the beginning of next term I will look into whether or not I would like to focus on other media sources, for example film, television, adverts, websites etcetera.  This term I looked at many different media sources for my project, but I did end up focusing on magazines, which is evident in my photographs.

Next term I am going to conduct interviews as I have said before in the ‘Research’ Section.  I will interview around 20 women or more so that I get many different opinions on how the media and its portrayal of women may make some women feel.  Over the Christmas holidays and at the beginning of term I will construct questions and collect images for my interviews and questionnaires.  I will also work out if I would like to interview people around similar ages or any age.  I think it would be better to ask women of all ages to get a wide variety of opinions.  The women’s opinion may differ because of their age, for example the different generations.
I will make a plan to what I will need to be arranged for the Exhibition next term.  I am not sure yet what exactly I will need, but I have a general idea.  I plan on using a projection for the exhibition and I would like my images to be around A3 size.  I will experiment throughout next term to see what I will need to finalise my ideas for the exhibition.

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