Wednesday 30 November 2011

Moving image: time, image, sequence - Lecture

After last week’s lecture on, moving image: time, image, sequence. It gave me an idea for next term, as it discussed images communicating and capturing time and how, ‘still images are not really motionless.’  This gave me an idea to make an image come to life and move.  I have been experimenting with this on my camera.  Thefore I will take loads of photographs and go through them fast enough like a flick book to make the image move.  I plan to do this around the theme of Puppets, to symbolise that as a women we could be pulled in each directions to conform to what we see in the media to become more beautiful, even though she may not want to.  I would maybe like to do all my images this way next year and I will explain in more detail next term after more research on this idea.

A photographer that was discussed was Eadweard Mybridge, who famously proved that when a horse gallops all four legs lift of the ground.  This was impossible to prove before because the human eye could not see this.  His photographs clearly show movement which I want to portray in my photographs next term.  Seth discussed how a photograph shows something that is in the past, but I want the image to be in the present because it is moving.  Below are some of Eadweard Mybridge photographs.

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