Thursday 15 March 2012

Photographic Shoot 4

“The smiling, happy faces, the slim, shiny bodies, poreless, glossy, smooth and clean, perfect and proper, beam at us every day. They come at us from magazine covers, billboards, television advertising, shop windows, music videos. We see them and hear the messages they send: ‘You too can look like this’; ‘You deserve to be this’; ‘This is how to look to be happy’”(Wright).

After reading this article it inspired the photographic shoot below, because it discusses how adverts of women seen in magazines sell products promising to make you look more beautiful if you buy them.  It also discusses how the beauty industry and images of women can make some women feel insecure and inadequate and “What they are really saying to us is that we are 'supposed' to be like the women in the adverts” (Wright). Michelle Wright also discusses the myth that women’s beauty is the most important thing for a woman. She explains that the adverts make women recognise flaws that we would have not noticed before, and one may feel that by buying the product it will solve their problem.

Once again I used the scene shoot from photographic shoot one for inspiration. I like the final video because it looks like the images are coming out of the magazine, but if I could change anything I would have made the image simpler. For example the girl would wear plain clothes, have plain bed sheets and the arms would not have any bracelets on or sleeves. I am learning through my photographic shoots how to make the final photographic shoot the best it can be by leaning through my mistakes.  In my photographic shoot I wanted to express that some women may be influenced subconsciously by the images they see of women through the media and not even notice this because they see them so frequently.  For example by watching television, using their computer or reading magazines.  I also want to show that women do feel suffocated by how women are represented leaving them feeling the need to change themselves or buy beauty products to achieve beauty.

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