Thursday 15 March 2012

Advertsing Beauty

I have also looked at advertisement of products and how they can make the audience believe that if one purchase’s these products it can help change their body features or make them look more 'beautiful'. For example, I came across this advert by singer Diana Vickers for her clothing line by ‘Very’. It stood out to me because she says that the jumpsuit that she is wearing can also make you look “taller and slimmer.” It can be said that the consumer will feel that buying this product will make them look more beautiful or make them feel better about their body. It is also modelled by Diana Vickers who is a very pretty, young, skinny girl.

Dove - Evolution Commercial

I also found the ‘Dove Campaign: For Real Beauty’ clip called “Evolution Commercial” which shows a pretty but ordinary girl being transformed into a stunning billboard model. It is a time lapse sequence showing her having her make-up and hair being done by experts. The sequence then moves to Photoshop where the girl’s features are being altered more, even though she looks beautiful. For example her neck is made longer, her shoulder curves are altered, her hair and skin are changed, and her mouth and eyes are made larger. The final shot goes to the woman on the billboard looking stunning but unrecognisable from before, saying after, “No wonder perception of beauty it distorted.” It made me think that in magazines, television programmes, etcetera, the media ends up altering women’s real identity by changing their appearance to make them look more ‘beautiful’ because of what is seen as stereotypically ‘beautiful.’ Which can thefore put pressure on women to aspire to look like these women in order to find happiness and beauty.

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