Tuesday 15 November 2011

Photographic Shoot 4 - 'Your Perfect'

At the moment I do not want to look at eating disorders and weight issues in too much depth, but as my project progresses I probably will.  This is because when I was looking through various magazines every magazine had an article about weight loss or dieting.  For example magazines such as ‘Closer’, ‘Now’, ‘Heat’, ‘Reveal’, ‘Cosmopolitan’, ‘Beauty’, ‘Bazaar’, ‘Tatler’ etcetera.   It can be said that weight issues in women in prominent and many women worry about their weight (not all).  Once again diet tips being so prominent in magazines can make women feel pressurized to lose weight in the hope of having the same results as women shown in the articles.  For example before and after photographs are shown of the women before the diet and after.  On ‘Closer’ online magazine there is a section called ‘Success Stories’ of women who have been on diets and have lost weight.   
For my photographic shoot I kept it simple using weighing scales, writing on them ‘Your Perfect’ trying to show that you should be happy with your appearance and not feel the need to lose weight because other people are or because of what magazine suggest is the ‘correct’ weight for women; and if you are over a certain weight you should lose weight.  Obviously if ones weight is a health problem then this is a different matter.

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