Thursday 10 November 2011

Photogaphic Shoot 2 - Changing Appearance

For my second photographic shoot I asked the model that if she could change any facial features what would it be and to find images of what she considered to be 'perfect' features from any website. ‘Magazines portray women being PERFCT and the reality is most women look nothing like the cover girls and the advice that’s given in the magazines encouraging but not all woman can get as far as looking perfect’ (Anon, 2009).

In the first photograph I cropped these images and placed them onto her face using Photoshop and for the second photograph I used Photoshop again but this time I aimed for the photographs to merge in more.  I did this so that the audience have a clearer view of what she could look like if she had those facial features. This was done to show that women may give the impression that they are comfortable in their own skin, yet if the chance arose they may consider changing these features, for example plastic surgery. This idea of drastic measures such as plastic surgery I will later discuss in my project or next term.

Anon. (2009) Women and The Fashion Magazine [online]. Available from: [Accessed 10 November 2011]

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