Tuesday 15 November 2011

Photographic Shoot 3 - Mirror Reflection

For the photographic shoot I wanted to portray how the media’s representation of ‘idealised’ women constantly shown in the media can make certain women feel.  Therefore I asked various women if the media affected them by the way it portrays women, and if so, how did it make them feel?

For my photographic shoot I used some of the words used by the women about how they feel when looking through magazines, and watching television programmes with ‘beautiful women’ in. I was quite surprised by the responses, because it seemed that even women who looked comfortable in their own skin actually were a lot more self-conscious that I had imagined. I wrote different words on a mirror with a girl sitting in front of it to portray how she emotionally feels when she looks in the mirror because of what she sees in the media, almost ‘perfect’ women.

Barbara Kruger Photography

This photograph by Barbara Kruger was made to support the right of women during the 1989 March in Washington (America).  It was aimed at women and the choice whether to have an abortion or not and the birth control rights.  ‘The words “Your Body is a Battleground,” reference this constant fight in which women take part. The fight over a woman’s right to choose what happens with her own body is one that intensely revolves around power’ (Calak: 155).
I like this photograph because it made me think how this is what some woman may feel about their image and physical appearance.  For example a ‘battleground’ because it can be said that women are constantly fighting with their image.  Some women may feel the need to change because of the media pressure that may put on women through magazines and television. 

Barbara Kruger said:

"I work with pictures and words because they have the ability to determine who we are and who we aren't"

- Barbara Kruger

This quote gave me inspiration from my next photographic shoot. This is because I feel that words are very powerful and can portray how someone may be feeling but not necessarily saying. I also believe that words can make a strong connection with its audience’s and portray certain emotions and I hope to show this in my photographic shoot.

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