Thursday 19 April 2012

Final Piece 2

In my photographs I want to show the suffocation and claustrophobia that some women may feel due to the media’s representation. This is shown by the images either being placed on the women’s face or appearing covering the girl completely.

For my second final piece I used a different technique from the previous photographic shoot. Instead of the arms placing the photographs on the women’s face, they just appear. I wanted to create a narrative within my final pieces. For example in this one I positioned the girl as if she had been flung on the floor and this is why her hair is spread over the background. This is to symbolise that she feels exhausted by the media’s representation of beauty and the standards that one has to try and live up to can be draining.

Towards the end of the video when the girls face starts to be covered completely by the images I created shadows to symbolise the pressure she feels suffocating her. The woman is not wearing a top to show her vulnerability and the images in the background show her blending into the background, losing her identity among the images of all the women.

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