Tuesday 14 February 2012

Edward Mybridge

During my tutorial with Michelle, she said that I should produce images that are more challenging and extreme because last term they were rather simple, which I completely agree with.  I want to draw on the idea of ‘cinemagraphs’ and how a photograph almost becomes a video, with the images coming alive.  I will photograph in continuous shooting mode to achieve this, thefore producing hundreds of photographs that when put together collaborate into a moving image.  This made me think of Eadweard Mybridge photographs where his images communicate and capture time and how "still images are not really motionless."  This gave me an idea to make my photographs come to live and move.

Edweard Mybridge famously proved that when a horse gallops all four legs lift of the ground. This was impossible to prove before because the human eye could not see this. His photographs clearly show movement which I want to portray in my photographs. Photographs show something in the past but I want my photographs to represent the present because they are moving images. Below are some images that Eadweard Mybridge produced:

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