Monday 17 October 2011

Project Idea

This term I would like to investigate women's identity in the media, and how someone may feel the need to change to fit into the 'stereotypical' beautiful women that is shown. For example, through television, film, photography, websites, magazines and adverts. I think I would like to focus on body image and appearances, but this may change as I develop my idea.

I would also like to look into how women may not feel comfortable in their own skin and change their bodies to feel more secure and confident. For example through plastic surgery. When women have plastic surgery are they changing themselves to look more like the pretty women on television and what they see in magazines? How do we know what is pretty and what is ugly? Does the media influence women how to look? I believe that the media can portray a 'stereotypical' image that women feel the need to conform to 'fit in' or feel more comfortable. Can ones identity become blurred?

It can be said that society socially constructs discourse of what is seen as right and wrong.  For example what is seen as ‘beautiful’ and what is not.  ‘A fundamental aspect of human social development involves learning to behave in ways deemed socially and culturally to be appropriate for one’s own sex’ (Gunter 1).   One can argue that one may be influenced by what one sees around them, for example through the media in magazines, television and film in ones society.

Gunter, B. 1995, Television and Gender Representation, John Libbey, Hertfordshire.

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